Éperlecques BLOCKHAUS
- 62910 Éperlecques
- www : http://www.leblockhaus.com
- Tél : 03 21 88 44 22
- Fax : 03 21 88 44 84
- Open from 1st march to 30th november
At the fringe of the Eperlecques forest you will find one gigantic bunker. The “blockhouse” dates from the Second World War. It has been preserved since 1945 at is was. Planned as the first base for ballistic rockets (V2), this bunker could have changed th course of the war, if the allied bombers had not arrived in time ! The visit to this hostoric monument is in peaceful woodland park. You can compare the V1 and V2 during the well commentated visit. Today the “blockhouse of Eperlecques” is open for peace.